Homemade Scented Playdough


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When my boys were little, homemade playdough was something that we made regularly. It is so much nicer than store-bought playdough!

Homemade playdough smells great, the texture is very smooth and cleanup is a breeze. Best of all, it is beyond easy to make. If you’ve never made a batch of homemade playdough, you are missing out.

Homemade Scented Playdough recipe by Barefeet In The Kitchen

Last week, when my oldest son (16 years old now!) needed modeling clay for a science experiment, and we weren’t about to head to the store for it, I remembered this homemade playdough.

He stirred a batch together and humored me while I snapped a couple of pictures of my grown child making playdough.

Homemade Playdough - doubles as clay for last minute science experiements

I love everything about homemade playdough. While you don’t actually need a packet of Koolaid in order to make homemade playdough, it does add color and fragrance to the dough.

So, if you happen to have it in the house, you’ll have some pretty cool playdough with it.

BONUS TIP for easy cleanup: Give each child a large baking sheet to use underneath his dough while he is playing.

I realize this is a food blog, but humor me for a moment. Does it count as a recipe if it is a list of food ingredients? If you’re here for the recipes, you can check out over 1600 of them in the recipe index.

I’ll be back tomorrow with a recipe for something you might actually want to eat!

Homemade Scented Playdough recipe by Barefeet In The Kitchen

Can you believe this is the same kid (blue shirt) who was stirring together that batch of playdough nine years ago?! I could not resist updating this post when I saw him making the playdough the other day.

Thanks for being such a great sport in the middle of your science project, Sam.

Homemade playdough - it's not just for kids!


1 1/2 cups of flour
1/4 cup salt
.13 oz package of Koolaid (this provides the scent and the color)
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 ½ tablespoon oil
1 cup boiling water

Combine the dry ingredients and then add the wet. Stir with a spoon until it cools enough for you to knead. Knead the dough until it is smooth. If the dough is too wet, sprinkle in more flour a tablespoon at a time.

I’ve listed above the exact measurements that I use most of the time. However, I’ve found that if it is a humid day it might require extra flour. I’ve added as much as an additional ⅓ cup of flour on occasion.

Store the playdough in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

{originally published 7/30/11 – recipe notes and photos updated 3/30/20}

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Mary Younkin

Mary Younkin

Hi, I’m Mary. I’m the author, cook, photographer, and travel lover behind the scenes here at Barefeet In The Kitchen. I'm also the author of three cookbooks dedicated to making cooking from scratch as simple as possible.

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  1. Lynne @ 365 Days of Baking says

    I used to do that a lot with the kids after I decided I really didn't like the smell of Playdoh. We also used to mix glue and Borax and another big hit was the cornstarch mixed with water. Tactile things are so much fun for the kids! Ok, and adults, too!

  2. Quay Po Cooks says

    When my son was little, I bough him play dough, I have never thought of making it at home. If only I have grandkids, I will definitely make this and play with them. Yes, I consider this a recipe:D

  3. Grace In Full Measure says

    Hi! I discovered your blog through Sheila's Elements blog 🙂 Thanks for sharing your play doh recipe and Kool Aid is such a great idea! This ought to keep my kids busy, both in making the play doh and then playing with it afterwards 🙂

  4. Gail says

    Did you know this playdoh is also conductive? You can use it with batteries and wire to make circuits. Just another fun thing you can do while stuck at home.

  5. Judith Warrington says

    use to make playdough for Vacation Bible School crafts.
    This stuff was great when the children could not go out
    and play due to unsuitable weather.